Why Are The Leaves Falling Off My Money Tree?
Taking care of a houseplant can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have little to no prior experience. Each plant offers its own set of difficulties, ranging from lighting and soil moisture requirements to pest infestation risks. When it comes to the Money Tree, however, one issue seems to appear more often than the others: yellowing leaves.
Keep in mind, the appearance of yellowing leaves on your Money Tree is NOT something that you should be stressing over. Money Trees are incredibly durable and can grow with very minimal effort on your end. Similarly, they’re capable of bouncing back from poor health due to improper living conditions, so long as those conditions are fixed in a timely manner. If you find that your leaves are losing their green vibrance, there are a few potential reasons that can easily be dealt with!
Too Much/Too Little Moisture
One of the most common reasons for a Money Tree to exhibit discoloration in its leaves, as well as for the Money Tree losing leaves altogether, is an under- or oversaturation of water in its soil. The Money Tree isn’t a very picky houseplant when it comes to water, and it actually prefers if you water it sparingly. On the occasion that you do provide your plant with water, you want to make sure to give its soil a deep treatment. You can do this by providing it with a bit more moisture than you would give to other plants that require more frequent watering sessions.
All that being said, make sure that you aren’t providing it with too much water between sessions. If the first couple inches of soil are still moist when you go to water your plant, then you should wait and allow it to dry up. You can determine this by sticking your finger into the soil and judging its moistness accordingly. Yellow leaves will most likely be caused by an improper watering schedule, so adjust the way in which you water your Money Plant and see if its natural green coloring returns once more.
Time For A Change In Scenery
This next cause is something that can easily be overlooked, as it may not be apparent at first that anything is wrong. The location of the Money Tree in your home could be the reason that its leaves are becoming yellow and dull. This is primarily due to the type of lighting that the location provides for your plant, which is only really interested in bright, indirect light. When exposed to direct or low light conditions, it will not be able to grow as well as it would otherwise, and as a result it will begin to lose its healthy colors. Keep your Money Plant in an area of your home that enjoys natural light from a distance, or up close through a partially covered window.
Location can also be an issue if your home experiences fluctuations in temperature or humidity. Money Trees enjoy the temperature and humidity levels that you’d naturally find in the average household, but they don’t enjoy when those ranges are consistently bouncing between their highs and lows. This can often lead to the plant’s leaves becoming brown and yellow. Try to keep yours in an area of your home where these changes don’t occur, and offer your plant extra humidity in the drier months of the year. You can easily achieve this by spritzing its leaves with water from a spray bottle!
While not as common as overwatering or humidity issues, bug infestations can also be the reason that your Money Plant’s leaves are losing their natural green color. Interestingly enough, insects are of less concern to the plant’s outdoor variants, while its indoor forms are susceptible to invasions of sap-draining insects and mites. Occasionally inspect your plant for any pests, looking for tiny bumps or odd shapes that don’t appear to be a part of the plant itself.
While it is easy to protect your Money Tree against a few aphids or spider mites, it becomes much more difficult if you’re facing off against a full-on infestation. Luckily, an organic insecticidal soap offering protections against mites has been found effective in fending off all of the Money Tree’s most prominent pests. Spraying down your plant a few times should be enough to ward off invasive insects, but make sure to wear protective clothing and goggles when doing so! Additionally, these insects are much less likely to appear in the first place if you adhere to your plant’s proper watering, temperature and humidity requirements.
Plant Care Made Easy
As a final note, Money Tree leaves turning yellow might not mean that any of these situations are to blame. If your Money Tree is continuing to grow and the yellow leaves are primarily appearing near the bottom of the plant, then the cause is more natural than anything. Older leaves are not a focus for your plant, as it will send all its energy and nutrients to new, developing leaves. Patience is key here, since you’ll want to wait and see if newer leaves growing higher up on the plant begin to yellow as well.
All things considered, yellow leaves are usually nothing to panic over, as the plant’s quick-fixes are generally very straightforward and can be achieved in a matter of days. You may still be wondering, “Will Money Tree leaves grow back?” The answer is an emphatic yes, so long as you care for the plant properly!
The Money Tree is loved for its ease of care as much as it is for its appearance, and it has proven itself to be one of the best options for houseplant lovers of all experience levels. By keeping an eye on the conditions highlighted in this article, you should have no problem providing your plant with the love and care that it needs in order to stay healthy for years to come!