Plant Care Guide Pachira Aquatica
What is the Money Tree plant?
The Pachira Aquatica, more commonly referred to as the “Guiana Chestnut” and “Malabar Chestnut,” is a curious tropical plant that can natively be found in the swamps of Central and South America. Its seeds are often compared in shape and flavor to the water chestnut, which is how it gets its nicknames!
This plant is exceptionally popular due to its sturdiness and generally zen natural aesthetic. Its easily braidable trunk adds to its “lucky” aura, and it is likely why so many people have chosen this succulent as their bonsai tree of choice. Beginners and experts alike are gushing over this money plant, and you would be smart to join in on the party!
Light Care
The Money Tree prefers areas of your home that provide bright, indirect light. Coming from a swampy environment, this succulent likes to stay out of direct sunlight. Too much exposure to direct light could lead to its leaves burning and becoming discolored.
Of course, too little light can also be detrimental to this plant. Without a steady stream of indirect light, its growth and overall health could be permanently stunted. Avoid placing your Money Tree in any spaces that experience drastic changes in lighting on a daily basis.
Water Care
Water your Money Tree on a weekly basis, and take extra care to evenly disperse the water across its soil. This plant enjoys being watered, and it is not quite as drought-resistant as others. However, it is important that you do not overwater it, as that could lead to dangerous complications such as root rot, which can be deadly.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter in the soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do not own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness.
Food Guide
Any potting soil that drains well and contains beneficial nutrients will work well with your Money Tree. It is recommended to use a soil that contains peat moss, as it provides the perfect combination of delectable nutrients and draining capabilities that will allow your plant to prosper.
During the growing season, fertilize your Money Tree a total of 2-3 times. Use a half-diluted liquid fertilizer, and make sure not to fertilize as frequently in the Winter months, as your plant will not be looking to grow as much.

Staff Holy Grail Pro-Tip:
Have a habit of overwatering? The Money Tree is the perfect plant for you! Unlike many other houseplants, the Money Tree thrives on deep watering treatments. While it is still possible to overwater this plant, it is much more difficult to pull off! Just make sure that it has a well-draining potting soil, as pools of stagnant water can harm its roots.