There are countless beautiful plants out there, but you won't come across anything that looks quite like the String of Bananas Plant. This plant has unique leaves that are shaped very much like bananas and offers not only its fascinating beauty, but also a number of other interesting benefits. Whether you're looking for an interesting houseplant or a great way to liven up your office space, this is plant is a fantastic option.
If you're interested in the Senecio Radicans but want to know more about it, we are more than happy to help. In this article, we'll explore the wonderful world of the String of Bananas Plant. We'll get you started with a basic understanding of the plant, introduce you to some of the aspects that make this plant unique, and even provide you with some pointers on how to take care of it. Curious about this fascinating plant? Well, you've come to the right place!
Is The String of Bananas a Succulent?
Before we delve into our examination of Senecio Radicans, we feel that it would be of benefit to answer one of the most commonly asked questions regarding this plant - "Is String of Bananas a succulent?"
Why is this such a common question? Because the unique leaves of the Senecio Radicans not only resemble cute little bananas or fish hooks, but they also hold relatively large amounts of water. They also have the characteristic look of common succulent leaves. But if this plant is a succulent, then why is it hanging like a vine? Well, this happens to be a very unique type of succulent called a Trailing Succulent.
There are a variety of Trailing Succulents including the String of Pearls (aka senecio rowleyanus), the String of Dolphins plant, and others. These plants are quite different from common Crassula and have made their way into the hearts and homes of millions of people because they are resilient, relatively easy to care for, and down right gorgeous. So, is the String of Bananas Plant a Succulent? It most certainly is, but more specifically, it is a Trailing Succulent.
Understanding Senecio Radicans
To better appreciate this lovely plant, it's a good idea to be acquainted with some of its fundamental traits. Senecio Radicans is also referred to as Curio Radicans, but more commonly known as the String of Bananas plant. This drought-tolerant plant is native to South Africa and can be found growing wild in the heat of the desert. Scenecio Radicans is a member of the Asteraceae family and is often mistaken for its more common relative the String of Pearls plant.
String of Pearls has become immensely popular with house plant enthusiasts for a number of reasons, but one of the things that people really over is that this plant is super easy to care for. Senecio Radicans, like the majority of succulent plants, is quite a hearty and impressively resilient. It survives in some of the harshest environments on the planet and it doesn't find if you occassionally forget to water it. This plant is pretty low-maintenance which makes it a fantastic option for both novices and those who are just too busy for a high-maintenance plant.
Simple Propagation Techniques
One of the things people always ask us is how to propagate string of bananas. Everybody loves this beautiful plant and many of them find it highly enjoyable to propagate it. If you're new to botany, you might be curious how it's possible to grow a plant without seeds, but we're going to tell you everything you need to know about the techniques used to successfully propagate your String of Bananas plant.
Everyone has their own tips and tricks when it comes to propagation techniques. As you learn and gain more experience, you too will likely come up with your own method. That being said, the basics are easy to understand and knowing the basics is the first step to becoming a master propagator of Senecio Radicans. This is a completely managable DIY project and growing String of Bananas is a real joy, so why not?
To successfully propagate this plant, all you need to do is follow a few simple instructions:
- Take cuttings of the plant that include roots. This is an easy but essential step. Just make sure your cuttings are no longe than 12 inches and that they have healthy roots.
- Allow your cuttings to heal for 2-3 days in a comfortable environment with an average room temperature around 70 degrees.
- Prepare 6 inch pots with an appropriate soil mix such as a succulent/cactus mix for each of your cuttings. Some growers also use perlite when because it helps to create a fast draining soil and avoid overwatering and root rot.
- After your plants have healed, plant them in their respective pots and place them in bright indirect light. When your plant is older, direct sun won't be such a big deal, but these are babies and they need to be eased into it.
- Once your new plant shows signs that it is happy and healthy, you can treat it like the hanging succulent it is and transfer it to a hanging basket, a new pot, or whatever vessel you see fit. Repotting is a breeze; just make sure to use quality potting soil and you'll have a succulent garden in no time!
There are a bunch of different attributes that make Senecio Radicans a fantastic house plant and one of the things a lot of people love is that it is easy and enjoyable to propagate. If you're interested in giving it a try, simply follow our five simple steps and you'll be well on your way!
Is String of Bananas Poisonous to Cats or Dogs?
Pet owners love their pets like they are babies. people pay monthly for pet insurance and sometimes feed their pet better than they feed themselves! Whether its a cat that you love or a K9 you adore, you don't want your pet to consume anything unhealthy. Well, if you're worried about whether or not String of bananas is poisonous, we have some good news and some bad news. We'll start with the bad.
String of Bananas is indeed poisonous. Not just to cats and dogs, but to humans as well. For Adults, all you need is a dash of common sense - Don't eat your houseplants silly! But, if you have pets or small children, you'll want to keep this plant well out of reach.
Now that the bad news is out of the way, lets talk about the good new. It is incredibly easy to keep this plant away from pets and small children because it is a hanging succulent! It can sometimes be difficult to find a high enough windowsill to hide a plant on, but this plant is supposed to be hung. Many of the houseplants people keep are considered toxic. It's not really something to get worked up about. The fact that these are hanging plants is one of the things that makes them a fantastic house or office plant for just about anybody.
A Plant From A Good Family
In the words of the great Vin Diesel; "Family is everything". While this might be a fast and meaningless statement for some, for the Asteraceae this statement rings furiously true. You have the String of Hearts plant, the String of Dolphins plant, and many more. Many of the members of the Asteraceae family have become incredibly popular house plants because they are all pretty easy to care for. Occasional watering and enough light go a long way with these beauties! If you're looking for a plant that is a joy to look at and don't require much of your time, String of Bananas is a wonderful option.
Check Out Our Care Guide for Senecio Radicans
Does your Senecio Radicans need full sun or will direct sunlight be too much? Does it need ground cover? Or does it prefer not to have ground cover like Aloe and Echeveria. When you become the proud parent of a Senecio Radicans, you'll undoubtedly have some questions and when you do, you should definitely check out our plant care guide. Here you can find all the information you need to grow a happy, healthy String of Bananas.