Zebra Plant (Haworthia Fasciata)
What is the Zebra Plant?
The Zebra Plant (Haworthia fasciata) is a delightfully intriguing succulent. This little firecracker features triangular green leaves decorated with white tubercles that form a striped pattern. The leaves of the Zebra Plant form a beautiful rosette. A native to South Africa, this small succulent has become a popular houseplant around the world.
Like other succulents, it requires only minimal time and effort to keep healthy and content. The Zebra Plant is a great indoor plant for beginners who are just starting to develop their green thumbs. It is fairly simple to provide your Zebra Haworthia with the right amount of light and water, if you remember to stick to the basics of succulent care. Really it’s hard to mess up, but this Plant Care Guide is here to help you along the way!
Light Care
Being a succulent, the Zebra Plant flourishes in direct light exposure. In its native habitat of the South African shrub lands, the Zebra Plant is accustomed to high levels of sunshine. With this in mind, it is important to consider how much light your Zebra houseplant is receiving. This indoor plant can adapt well to partially shaded areas. Lack of sunlight will lead to thin, lanky leaves. For full, healthy growth, it is ideal to have at least several hours a day of direct sunlight. It is actually possible for your Zebra Plant to get too much sun. With excess light, the leaves will start to turn red or brown (their very own version of a sunburn) and this will be your indicator that it is time to relocate.
Consider giving your Zebra Plant succulent a home on a table, counter or shelf close to a window in order to provide the perfect amount of sunlight. A spot on a window sill will provide ample direct light! If you have a yard or a balcony the Zebra Plant will happily live outdoors as well.
Water Care
If you have lax tendencies when it comes to your houseplants or frequently go out of town, the Zebra Plant is the perfect fit for you. No need for diligent watering schedules with this low-key beauty. The amazing Zebra Plant is drought resistant and can survive in water scarce situations. As a result, this succulent is actually more prone to suffer from overwatering, rather than lack of hydration. Unfortunately, when it receives excess water the Zebra Plant can suffer from root rot.
The best method for watering your Zebra Plant is to completely saturate with water, then allow the soil to completely dry before watering again. This strategy for watering is similar to any other succulent. Assess if the soil is dry to the touch prior to watering and then drench completely. Remember to always keep your Zebra Plant in a pot that has adequate drainage. During the warmer months, you may need to water your houseplant more frequently because its soil will dry out more quickly.
Food Guide
The best soil mix for your Zebra Plant is one that allows for proper drainage. A soil that is grainy, sandy and not too dense will actually prevent the dreaded root rot. With that in mind a commercial cactus mix is probably your best bet. Otherwise a soil that is mixed with perlite will also do the trick!
When it comes to fertilizing your Zebra Plant, less is more. Just like water care for this low-key succulent, too much food will cause more damage than lack thereof. In reality, the Zebra Plant could survive just fine without any fertilization. If, however, you are feeling the love and want to give your beloved houseplant a little extra something, feel free to use a diluted liquid fertilizer. Plant food can be given a couple times during the spring or summer. It is not advised to fertilize your Zebra Plant during the winter months.

Staff Holy Grail Tip:
Propagation is painless with the Zebra Plant succulent! If you are loving your Zebra Haworthia, consider propagation as a way to multiply the magic. There are a few options when it comes to propagating this amazing plant. First you can take a cutting from your original plant. Simply cut off one stem and allow the end to dry out. Next place this stem in water to allow some roots to sprout, and lastly plant it in soil. The other option is to pot one of the Zebra Plant offsets. Over time as your houseplant matures, it will produce smaller pups or offsets. All you need to do is gently remove one of these from the mother plant and pot it in a well-draining soil.