Xerographica (Air Plant) Plant Care Guide
What is the Xerographica plant?
Xerographica is a species of Tillandsia, which is in the Bromeliad family. Tillandsia are epiphytic and grow on the tops of trees in the wild where they are exposed to bright sunlight and harsh weather conditions. There are over 50 species of Tillandsia and Xerographica is notable as one of the largest in cultivation. Xerographica known as Tillandsia xerographica features dramatic silvery leaves that form a large circular ball shaped rosette.
This plant is notable for its large size and the unique globe shape of the adult plants, with adults growing up to two feet wide. Due to their globe shape Xerographica are often grown unmounted and simply hung by a wire. Xerographica can also be grown mounted to a branch with other species of Tillandsia for a more naturalistic look. Xerographica make great houseplants and like other Tillandsia are widely grown by many plant collectors.
Light Care
Xerographica enjoys bright direct light. It is best to grow Xerographica in direct sunlight and in a window with direct sunlight exposure. Xerographica can tolerate indirect light as well but growth may be slowed and the classic ball shape of the plant may become looser if not enough light is provided. Conditions bright enough to burn Xerographica are unlikely and placing Xerographica in the brightest conditions you can provide is ideal and preferable over even indirect light.
Water Care
Xerographica is drought tolerant and able to be grown with relatively little watering. It is recommended that Xerographica is watered once a week by dipping the entire plant including its mount into water and allowing it to fully dry out between waterings. Xerographica can be watered by being misted as well and will benefit from frequent misting as long as it is allowed to fully dry out in between. Xerographica can be watered frequently if given direct sunlight as exposure to the light will aid in drying out the plant. Reduce watering in winter when temperatures are lower.
Food Care
Xerographica benefits from light fertilizing. It is best to use diluted fertilizer and to use a dip method where the entire Xerographica is dipped into water that has the diluted fertilizer dissolved in it. Diluting the fertilizer to 1/8th the recommended amount will help prevent any kind of leaf burns that can result from excess fertilizer drying on the leaves. The diluted fertilizer solution can be stored in a plastic container and reused to fertilize your Xerographica every three to four weeks.

Staff Holy Grail Tip:
Expect your Xerographica to grow much larger than other Tillandsia. Full grown Xerographica can form a ball as large as two foot wide and should be given a mount that can handle its adult size and weight. Plan ahead with excitement for the large noble display and presence an adult Xerographica has and understand it will take time for most Xerographica to reach their adult size. Xerographica is one of the most noble, dramatic, and impressive Tillandsia that is available and it makes a beautiful addition to an indoor growing space.