Is the Torch Cactus Plant toxic?
Yes, the Torch Cactus has toxic qualities to it. It is not recommended that any part of a Torch Cactus is eaten as the species contains complex alkaloids that are not fully researched by science. These alkaloids may cause vomiting, confusion, and even hallucinations. Torch Cactus is closely related to various hallucinogenic cactus species which are also known to be dangerously toxic as well. Due to the thorns on the Torch Cactus it is unlikely that pets will try to consume the plant but many animals enjoy eating the buds and flowers and should be kept away from the plant while blooming.
What’s the ideal temperature?
Torch Cactus prefer hot temperatures. Most household temperatures are fine for the Torch Cactus and they can survive brief exposure to temperatures below freezing. When growing Torch Cactus outside, avoid placing it in locations that will receive frost and also avoid places with lots of winter rain, as the cactus does not like receiving water in cold conditions.
What’s the ideal humidity level?
Torch Cactus prefer very low humidity environments. Household humidity should be fine in most cases. Avoid growing the Torch Cactus next to other plants who prefer moist soil as the local humidity near them may be high. The Torch Cactus will do well in the low humidity indoor air of winter and prefers not to be watered when temperatures are low, which will further help keep the local humidity low around the plant.
Does it purify the air?
Like many other desert plants the Torch Cactus has adaptations to prevent it from losing water through the air. This means that the Torch Cactus limits how much air in intakes during the daytime preferring to only breath at night. This feature limits how much air the Torch Cactus can purify. It is also important to keep the surface of the Torch Cactus free of dust, the Torch Cactus can occasionally be washed to keep the surface clean, which will boost its ability to clean the air.