String of Bananas (Senecio radicans) Plant Care Guide
What is the String of Bananas?
The String of Bananas, Senecio radicans or Curio radicans, is also known as the Banana Vine, Creeping Berry, Fishhook Senecio, Necklace Plant, and String of Fishhooks. This unique succulent is native to South Africa, Lesotho, and Namibia where it can be found creeping along sandy, rocky soil, putting roots out wherever it can! S. radicans is a very popular hanging succulent that has thick stems lined with plump banana-shaped leaves, growing to an impressive three feet (90cm) long!
The fleshy, banana shaped leaves are about 1.2 inches (3cm) long, and are green with translucent lines on either side, allowing some light to shine through. Flowers will be small, white, cinnamon scented and typically appear in early spring or late winter. The vines can be trained to grow upwards on a trellis or moss pole depending on the aesthetic you are aiming to achieve. Since it's a quick growing succulent, S. radicans can also be propagated easily and shared with friends!
Light Care
Choose a location with bright, indirect light for best growth. If you choose to place your String of Bananas indoors, choose a spot near a sunny window. If you’re placing it outside, make sure the plant will receive both morning sunlight and afternoon shade. Remember that sparse foliage is a sign that your String of Bananas is not getting enough light, and if you are noticing brown tips at the end, it’s likely getting too much sun causing foliage to burn. If light doesn't reach all sides of the plant, rotate it every three to six months, ensuring the entire plant gets adequate light.
Water Care
Be careful when watering senecio as it is highly susceptible to root rot, making sure to water once soil is dry. The String of Bananas is tolerant of drought conditions, but the soil shouldn’t be left dry for extended periods. If you notice the banana shaped leaves beginning to wrinkle, it’s your plant telling you it's thirsty! Developing a consistent watering schedule will keep your plant happy. During the colder winter months, or dormant season, cut back on watering. Plant in a pot with drainage holes, as well as cactus soil with perlite mixed in to aid in soil drainage.
Food Guide
Fertilizing isn't necessary, but can be a great option for those who want to encourage quicker, and larger growth. If you choose to give your plant extra nutrients, only do so on mature plants that have established roots. To prevent burning or weakening dormant plants, avoid fertilizing during the dormant season, and fertilize only during the growing season. The growing season for String of Bananas is from spring to summer, and has a dormant season during the cooler winter months. Organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion, worm compost, or liquid kelp is prefered to keep your plant healthy and happy!

Staff Holy Grail Tip:
To encourage growth of the String of Bananas, consider growing string and pruning! As a fast growing plant that loves to trail, growing string will help give your vines something to attach to. Another way to encourage growth is by pruning the lengthy vines. If you snip vines halfway down, two new vines will grow from the cut, and you can propagate one portion of it by planting it straight back into the soil.