Variegated Ribbon Plant Care Guide
What is the Ribbon Chlorophytum Comosum Variegated plant?
The Ribbon Chlorophytum Comosum Variegated plant is an incredibly popular option among houseplants, due to its relaxed care requirements and rapid growth. Regardless of the plant’s given environment, it will be prone to swift, lengthy growth all throughout the year. Given its smaller/moderate size, the Variegated Ribbon plant is an ideal addition to the tables and countertops of your home.
This plant’s greatest appeal is its vibrant foliage. Long, slender leaves grow directly out from the soil, bunching together and arching downward to give the plant a bush-like appearance. Unlike other versions of the Chlorophytum Comosum, this Ribbon Plant’s leaves are a deep green at their core, with bright white accents along each leaf’s edges. Its unique color makes it a true statement plant that will look perfect no matter where it is placed!
Light Care
The Variegated Ribbon Plant prefers to be placed in bright, indirect light. This is no real surprise, as the majority of houseplants prefer indirect sunlight as a way to avoid the dangerous effects of direct light. Absorbing light from an indirect source ensures that the plant’s foliage doesn’t burn or become otherwise discolored. This is an especially prevalent issue for the Variegated Ribbon Plant, since its colorful leaves are central to its appeal.
Low light conditions are also not ideal for this plant, although they are not nearly as detrimental as bright, direct light. While its leaves will not become burnt due to low light, they may lose some of their vibrance. If too little light is provided, its growth may even become stunted, which is the last thing you want to have happen to a young plant!
Water Care
This plant enjoys very occasional watering sessions, only reapplying once the first inch of soil is completely dried. It is a resilient plant, and can therefore withstand a more relaxed watering schedule, but try not to wait until more inches of soil have lost their moisture. Start by offering water once per week, then determine whether that gives your plant enough time to absorb it. If not, simply adjust the schedule to better suit your plant.
Checking the moisture levels of your soil is surprisingly easy. Place a water meter one inch deep in the soil, where it will sit for a moment before determining the levels it encounters. If you do not own a water meter, you can also place your finger in the soil as a replacement. Then, you can decide whether or not the soil feels dry one your own!
Food Guide
The Variegated Ribbon Plant is not picky about the type of soil that you provide for it, so there is no need to stress over anything. Common houseplant soil is perfectly fine for this plant, and if you feel like boosting its water-draining abilities, consider also purchasing peat moss or perlite and adding it to the overall mixture.
During the growing months, fertilize your Variegated Ribbon Plant once per month. A liquid fertilizer is ideal, but make sure that you dilute the fertilizer by approximately ½. Most houseplant fertilizers need to be diluted, or else they might cause your plant to be overfertilized and have its foliage burn as a result.

Staff Holy Grail Tip:
Unlike many of its fellow houseplants, the Variegated Ribbon Plant is considered to be non-toxic to both humans and animals. This is great news for all those who have pets at home that are certain to stick their curious noses in the newest plants being brought home. Their leaves are fully edible, so you don’t have to worry about your pets suffering from indigestion. Countertops are the best areas of your home to place this plant, as they will provide it with the light it needs in order to thrive while giving your furry pals and any other visitors a beautiful slice of nature to enjoy!