Red Anthurium Tailflower Plant Care Guide
What is the Red Anthurium Tailflower Plant?
The Red Anthurium Tailflower Plant is a highly sought after variation of the popular Flamingo Lily. It is easily recognizable, due to its large, heart-shaped leaves and waxy, bright red spathes. Each spathe sports a small spadix which protrudes outward, appearing similar to the beak of a flamingo!
Native to tropical rainforests, this plant is especially familiar with wet, humid environments. However, like many other tropical houseplants, its durability makes it a perfect fit for the conditions of your home. With some tender love and care, the Red Anthurium Tailflower could be the ideal piece for you!
Light Care
The Red Anthurium prefers a medium amount of light. Bright, indirect light is perfect for this plant, as it allows the plant to enjoy a source of energy without having to worry about its leaves becoming burnt. Similarly, placing this plant in areas of your home that experience lowlight conditions could cause your plant to experience stunted growth.
In addition to placing your Red Anthurium in a space with medium light, ensure that this space does not experience constant fluctuations in light. Alternating from low to high light too often could have an adverse effect on your plant’s development.
Water Care
Water your Red Anthurium on a weekly basis. Be careful not to overwater this plant, as its roots are quick to rot if left in stagnant water. It appreciates evenly moist soil. Make sure to reduce the amount of water applied during the winter months, as your plant will not need as much.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter into the soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do not own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness.
Food Guide
For optimal growth, provide your Red Anthurium with a soil containing peat moss. This type of soil is typically well-draining, which is necessary for avoiding the threats of water pooling up and damaging the plant’s roots. Combine your peat moss mixture with regular potting soil to ensure that your plant grows properly.
During the summer and spring months, when your Red Anthurium is actively looking to grow, plan on providing it with fertilizer once every two weeks. You may use any form of diluted fertilizer, as this plant is not especially picky. Do not fertilize outside of these months, as your plant is not looking to grow at this time.

Staff Holy Grail Tip:
The Red Anthurium Tailflower Plant is an epiphyte, meaning that in nature, it would typically grow on tree branches instead of growing out from the soil. As a result, you’ll need to provide it with well-draining, aerated soil. Ideally, the soil you choose for your plant will include equal parts peat, perlite and pine bark, although all three aren’t necessary for success. Make sure to keep a close eye on the amount of water you provide your plant as well, as its roots could suffer from stagnant moisture. If you notice any discoloration in its leaves, as well as exceptionally slow or non-existent blooming, consider providing your plant with less water and monitor the changes.