Plant Care Guide Monstera Adansonii
What is the Swiss Cheese Plant?
The Monstera Adansonii, also known as the “Swiss Cheese Plant,” is characterized mainly by its heart-shaped leaves with unique holed patterns. Found primarily in South and Central American countries, it can commonly be found at low elevations, near river valleys.
This plant is considered a tropical ornamental plant, perfect in every room of your home. Its lengthy roots grow out from the stem, allowing them to appear vine-like and produce long, beautiful leaves.
Light Care
The Swiss Cheese Plant is used to the shaded, jungle conditions of South and Central America, and as a result, it thrives best when exposed to moderate amounts of bright sunlight. But be careful: too much sun can result in the plant losing its luscious green color prematurely and could see stunted growth.
Low, indirect sunlight is also beneficial for the plant, but it may lead to a delayed growth rate.
Water Care
Water this plant twice a week. Wait until the plant’s soil is damp but not dry before watering it. Over-watering could lead to root rot, a deadly disease that could potentially result in the plant’s death. Do not water the plant when the soil is still very moist.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter 6-8 inches into the soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do n’t own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness.
Food Guide
Fertilize your plant once a month with regular diluted houseplant soil during the active growing season -- spring, summer and the early stages of fall.

Staff Holy Grail Pro-Tip:
The best tip for growing the Swiss Cheese Vine is to follow strict guidelines on water, light and other forms of care. While this is a very forgiving plant, it can experience unbelievable growth during the spring and summer months when special attention is given to providing it with the utmost support. Our in-depth care guide explains this further!