Mexican Fence Post Cactus Care Guide
What is the Mexican Fence Post Cactus plant?
The Mexican Fence Post Cactus is a popular choice, namely for its sleek, columnar frame and overwhelmingly easy care guidelines. Its name comes from the fact that it is widely used as a barrier, becoming a form of living fence. In your home, this cactus fits well as a corner piece and provides an enchanting Southwestern aesthetic.
Native to parts of Central Mexico, the Mexican Fence Post Cactus is used to dry, arid environments that provide little to no water. As a result, they have become extremely resilient and require only minimal assistance in growing tall and healthy. It is a perfect, stress-free houseplant for beginners and veterans alike!
Light Care
The Mexican Fence Post Cactus prefers to receive as much direct sunlight as possible. When growing in the wild, it would be exposed to the sun at all times, so providing it with a similar environment will help it reach its fullest potential. Place it close to any window sills or other sources of natural light in your home.
Bright, indirect light is also tolerable for the Mexican Fence Post Cactus, although it is not ideal. Avoid low light conditions entirely, as these are not a viable choice for the plant. Cacti require a lot of sunlight in order to grow properly, so when they are faced with lower light conditions, they struggle to develop as they normally would.
Water Care
The Mexican Fence Post Cactus is highly drought-resistant, requiring very little water in order to grow. In the drier months, plan on watering this cactus once or twice per month, allowing for the soil to dry between watering sessions. In winter and spring, you can reduce the watering frequency further, as your cactus will need even less moisture. Avoid overwatering, which is a common problem when tending to indoor cacti.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter into the soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do not own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness.
Food Guide
Regular cactus potting soil is more than equipped to handle the Mexican Fence Post Cactus. The most important aspect of the soil is its draining capabilities. You want to find the mix that provides maximum drainage, so as to prevent water from pooling and causing permanent damage to your plant’s roots.
While it does not require fertilizer to grow, the Mexican Fence Post Cactus benefits from occasional feeding. Provide it with diluted liquid fertilizer once per month during the growing season, and keep an eye on its effects. Do not fertilize your cactus during the fall and winter months.

Staff Holy Grail Tip:
As its name implies, the Mexican Fence Post Cactus is commonly used as a form of living fencing. They can be growing next to each other to create a form of natural walling for your home, and due to their extreme durability, you don’t need to worry about the temperature and humidity conditions of your home. Provide it with water on occasion, and if you live somewhere that experiences very low temperatures, find it a space in your home that avoids chilly drafts. Alternatively, you can cover its tips with fabric or any other material that will keep it warm.