Plant Care Guide Codiaeum Variegatum
What is Variegated Croton plant?
Codiaeum Variegatum, also known as “Fire Croton” and “Garden Croton,” is the ultimate statement-maker, as far as houseplants are concerned. It is characterized by its large, vibrant foliage, donning colors ranging from bright reds and yellows to darker, deeper greens and burgundies.
With ever-varying colors and leaf shapes, this plant is perfect for adding some life to any room of your home, and it will certainly be a fun point of conversation when you have friends and family over.
Light Care
The Variegated Croton prefers mostly bright, direct light. As is the case with many plants, its bright color patterns are only possible due to their exposure to bright light, and when placed in lower light environments, its vibrance and overall growth will be hampered.
It can also be placed in bright, indirect light, though it will not achieve that same level of growth and color variation under these circumstances.
Water Care
Water your Variegated Croton on a biweekly basis, and make sure to keep the soil evenly moist throughout. Reduce the frequency of watering sessions during the winter months, as your plant will be much more dormant at this time and will not need as much water.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter several inches into the soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do not own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness.
Food Guide
Fresh, well-draining potting soil is perfect for the Variegated Croton, as it prevents water from lying dormant and pooling in a harmful manner. During the spring and summer months, fertilize this plant with slow-releasing pellets or liquid fertilizer, and do not fertilize during the winter months.

Staff Holy Grail Pro-Tip:
Your Variegated Croton loves having its soil watered on a biweekly basis. However, too much water during winter months causes your Croton to suffer from severe complications, such as root rot! To avoid harming your plant, water it at a lower frequency during months outside of the growing season of the spring and summer. Also, make sure to moisten your plant’s soil evenly, so that pools of water don’t appear and damage its roots.