Plant Care Guide Calathea Zebrina
What is the Zebra plant?
Calathea Zebrinas, which also go by the nicknames “Peacock Plants” and “Zebra Plants,” are a type of tropical succulent that are natively located in Central and South America. Their alternate names are due to the striped, multi-colored patterns of their leaves, which swap between deep and bright shades of green.
Beauty does not come cheap in the world of houseplants, and in order to reap the most from your Zebra Plant, you will have to adhere to specific guidelines regarding lighting, temperature and watering requirements. When done correctly, get ready to enjoy one of the most beautiful succulents on the market today!
Light Care
The Zebra Plant prefers to be placed in an area that enjoys bright, indirect light. Tropical plants often prefer indirect light, as this better imitates the jungle conditions of their native environments. When exposed to bright, direct light, there is a chance that its leaves could be burned and lose some of the vibrant colors that it is known so well for.
On the other hand, too little light could be even worse for the Zebra Plant. When placed in an area that only provides lowlight conditions, this plant could experience stunted growth, and in more dire instances it could even die early in the growth process. Always make sure to provide your plants with the lighting requirements that give them the best chance at flourishing.
Water Care
Plan on watering your Zebra Plant on a weekly basis, and make sure to evenly moisten its soil to avoid water pooling and not drain properly. This plant is less drought-resistant than other topical succulents, so a weekly watering is ideal for keeping it happy and healthy. Allow the top half of the soil to dry out before watering.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter into the soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do not own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness.
Food Guide
Well-draining potting mix is the perfect match for the Zebra Plant, as it allows water to drain properly and avoid complications such as root rot. It is recommended that you use a mix that includes peat and perlite, which are materials that greatly improve the draining capabilities of your soil.
During the growing season, fertilize your Zebra Plant on a monthly basis, using a water soluble fertilizer that is diluted to 1/4th its normal strength. It would be smart to “flush” your soil occasionally during this time, using extra water to purge the soil of any excess fertilizer that could cause harm.

Staff Holy Grail Pro-Tip:
The trick to a healthy Zebra Plant is humidity. It requires high humidity levels in order to develop into its highest form. In addition to the humidity in your home, you can provide your plant with a boost by filling a spray bottle with room temperature water and occasionally misting the plant’s leaves. Trust us when we say that your Zebra Plant will thank you for it!