Is the Angel Wings plant toxic?
Angel Wings is considered to be mildly toxic to humans and animals. Due to the poisonous oxalates that its sap contains, physical contact and ingestion can result in mild irritation. Avoid placing this plant within the reach of pets and children, and it is recommended that you wear gloves when handling it.
What’s the ideal temperature?
Angels Wings prefers temperatures within the range of 65° - 75° F (18° - 24° C). This is the common range for many tropical houseplants, and it will likely work well within your own home. Make sure not to place this succulent in a location that experiences sudden changes in temperature, such as near drafty doors and windows or alongside AC units and furnaces.
What’s the ideal humidity level?
Angel Wings are perfectly happy with the humidity found in the average household. They are tropical plants, meaning that they have a special fondness for humidity. If you feel like your plant could use some extra humidity during drier months, you can use a water bottle to occasionally mist its foliage.
Does it purify the air?
No, Angel Wings is not considered to be a natural air purifier.