Is the Japanese Laurel plant toxic?
The Japanese Laurel is mildly toxic to humans and animals. When ingested it can cause nausea, vomiting and a possible fever. While the effects are only minor, it is still recommended that you find a space in your home that is inaccessible to pets and children.
What’s the Ideal humidity level?
The Japanese Laurel is capable of adjusting according to the humidity of your home, so you should never have to worry about this. However, if you feel like providing some extra humidity, simply mist your plant’s leaves occasionally with a water bottle.
What’s the Ideal temperature?
The Japanese Laurel prefers temperatures within the range of 50° - 65° F (10° - 18° C). Your home may fall in this range, but if it does not, simply place the plant somewhere that experiences sustained temperatures that come close to this mark. Avoid places in your home where the temperature is liable to fluctuate.
Does It purify the air?
It is uncertain whether the Japanese Laurel has air purifying capabilities, but many plants with large, wide leaves have been found to do so. With luck, future studies will reveal whether or not this is the case for the Japanese Laurel as well!