Asplenium Nidus Bird’s Nest Fern
What is the Bird’s Nest Fern?
The Bird’s Nest Fern is the perfect plant for those looking to introduce a bit of tropical wonder to their home decor! Native to areas of Hawaii, Madagascar and Australia, this houseplant is classified as being epiphytic, meaning that they are primarily found growing on other plants in the wild. As a result, you will find that their indoor variant’s foliage grows out from close to the soil, instead of growing out from a protruding stem as many other houseplants would.
The foliage itself is a collection of spoon-shaped, bright green fronds that meet at a central rosette. In the wild, these fronds can grow to be approximately 5 feet in length, but your indoor variant’s fronds will reach up to 2 feet. As is the case with most tropical houseplants, the Bird’s Nest Fern grows best when offered extra warmth and humidity, so make sure to provide yours with the proper care.
Light Care
Like many other houseplants, the Bird’s Nest Fern prefers to be placed in an area of your home that provides it with bright, indirect light. The sunlight being filtered is a necessary step here, as direct light is capable of burning your plant’s fronds, causing their natural coloring to be lost and leaving your plant in dire condition. Tabletops and countertops near windows or other sources of sunlight are ideal.
Water Care
The Bird’s Nest Fern loves moist soil, so you should be watering yours every 7-10 days. This range is subject to change, depending on the rate at which your soil dries. Additionally, make sure that you are not overwatering your plant’s soil. This could cause the soil to become soggy and create pools near the plant’s roots, leading to root rot and other deadly complications. Keep an eye on your soil, and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.
To check the water levels of your plant’s soil, place a water meter into the soil, where it will give you an accurate indication. If you do not own a water meter, stick one finger knuckle-deep into the soil. At this depth, you will be able to accurately account for the soil’s level of moistness. Once the first inch of soil is dry, water your plant.
Food Guide
This houseplant is fairly relaxed when it comes to the types of soil it enjoys. It prefers a potted mixture of loose, organic materials, and to encourage greater drainage, it is recommended that you add peat moss and perlite. This addition will allow the soil to get rid of excess water and avoid dangerous pooling.
During the growing months of Spring and Summer, provide your Bird’s Nest Fern with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Dilute the fertilizer to half its normal strength, and only provide it to your plant once per month. Avoid fertilizing your plant during the Fall or Winter months, as this could cause its fronds to grow irregularly and lose its green vibrance. Additionally, fertilizer should be spread across the soil and not on the fronds themselves.

Staff Holy Grail Pro-Tip:
The Bird’s Nest Fern LOVES water, so it’s important that you keep your plant’s soil nice and moist. Provide it with fresh water every 7 - 10 days, depending on how quickly it is growing and how receptive it is to the bounty of moisture. Plus, to avoid some of the agitating minerals that are found in tap water, consider giving your plant the purified water that all houseplants love as a replacement.