Is the Maidenhair Fern plant toxic?
The Maidenhair Fern is considered non-toxic to both humans and animals. However, as is the case for all plants, ingesting this plant can potentially lead to very minor stomach irritation.
It is still recommended to place the Maidenhair Fern somewhere that is not accessible to pets and children.
What’s the ideal temperature?
The ideal temperature for your Maidenhair Fern is approximately 70° F (41° C). Make sure to keep this plant in temperatures above 60° F (15° C), as anything below this mark could prove fatal. Avoid placing your plant near any drafty doors or windows, as well as any direct sources of intense heat.
What’s the ideal humidity level?
This plant is referred to as the “Southern Maidenhair Fern” for a reason! It enjoys high humidity levels, but is perfectly capable of growing properly in average household humidity. To provide your plant with extra humidity, occasionally mist its leaves using a water bottle.
Does it purify the air?
Yes, the Maidenhair Fern works as a natural air purifier!